Monday, August 10, 2009


I'm falling a little behind on my training. I did run last Thursday. I did 27 minutes and 17 seconds. I had hoped to run a bit longer, but I was away on business in San Diego, and I didn't want to get lost and not be able to get back to my hotel. I did not run over the weekend because I was too tired to get up early enough to beat the heat. It was still pretty humid today as well, so I skipped once again.

The good news is that this has given my calf time to heal (hopefully). The bad news is that I am just over a month away from race day and I haven't done a long run for a couple of weeks. However, I plan to revise my training schedule a bit so that I can hopefully build up to an 11 mile long run by early September. I will try to do a 4 mile run either tomorrow or Wednesday, then a 6 or 7 mile run over the weekend, to at least get in another long run in the short term.

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