Saturday, June 20, 2009

70 Minute Run . . . Sort Of

I tried to complete a 70 minute run this morning. First, the good news: I didn't really experience any pain during the run (knees and muscles all felt fine). The bad news: I wasn't able to run the entire time. I ran the first 47 minutes, then I had to walk a bit. At that point, I was out of energy, going uphill, and running against the wind. I walked until about 50 minutes, then ran for about a minute and a half, then walked again until about 60 minutes. I just hit the wall and couldn't keep going this morning. I did run the last 10 minutes. I probably covered about 6 and 3/4 miles in the 70 minutes I was out. The weather was pretty good (a little windy). I did eat a bagel and a PowerBar before I went out, but it turns out that wasn't quite enough. As I start running for longer times, I am going to need to bring something to eat and drink with me in order to keep my energy up. I guess I will try some energy gels to see how that works, and try to find a small water bottle to carry with me, filled with either water or Gatorade.

Next week really is my easy week (4 miles, 3 miles, and 3 miles), and I don't plan to push it beyond that. While I am disappointed I wasn't able to run the entire 70 minutes, I am very glad that it was not because of any injuries or pain. I can handle just "hitting the wall" once in a while. I still think I am on track at this point in my training.

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