Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yet Another 40

I did another 40 minute run yesterday. I had hoped to do a little longer run, but I had to get back to work. Also, I didn't feel very comfortable on the run. It wasn't really hot, but it was pretty humid. I also did a long (.75 mile) hill in the first 15 minutes, and I really felt like walking (but didn't) after about 25 minutes. But I was able to push ahead and complete a little over 4 miles in 40 minutes.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Another 4 Miles

After taking 5 days off, I ran for a little over 4 miles yesterday (40 minutes). I felt OK, but it was pretty hot with the sun beating down and very little shade where I ran.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

37 Minutes

I did a 37 minute (and 9 seconds) run yesterday morning. It was probably just under 4 miles. I felt fine the entire way.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another 8 Miles

I completed my second 8 mile run today. The weather was perfect (upper 50s and cloudy). I ran on a local trail that was mostly flat. I ran just under 4.5 miles out, then ran back. My run took 80 minutes and I estimate I actually went slightly more than 8 miles. I felt really good except for maybe the last 5 minutes, when I was a little tired, but not as tired as my last 8 mile run. I am a little sore now, but again, not as bad as last time.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

8 Miles . . . Then 3 Miles

This is a double post, as I have now run twice since my last post.

First, on Sunday I ran for 80 minutes (that's 1 hour and 20 minutes!) and covered about 8 miles. This is my new longest run ever. The last mile was really tough - I felt like walking after almost every step, but I pushed on and ran the entire time. I was really sore the rest of the day.

Second, I did another easy 3 mile run today before lunch. I felt OK the whole way.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Easy 2 Miles

I got up early this morning and ran an easy 2 miles before work. My time was 19:29.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7 Miles

I skipped my long run over the weekend (I got home really late from a baseball game Saturday morning), so I did my long run yesterday instead of a short run. I was able to complete my 70 minute/7 mile run this time, unlike last time I tried. The course included a few big hills and some smaller hills as well. The last 6 or 7 minutes were extremely hard, as my legs felt like lead, but I did it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another 10K

I ran for 60 minutes today, going a little over 6 miles. My shins hurt a little between about 5 and 10 minutes into my run, but felt fine the rest of the way. My course included one very big hill and a few smaller hills. I felt good when I finished, but I am a little sore now. My next run (Saturday) is supposed to be 7 miles, the distance I was unable to complete last time.