Friday, August 23, 2013

The Persecution of Christians Continues

I saw this article today:

The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that, by refusing to photograph a gay wedding, a photography studio violated the New Mexico Human Rights Act (NMHRA). 
The court found that Elane Photography’s refusal to serve Vanessa Willock violated the act, which “prohibits a public accommodation from refusing to offer its services to a person based on that person’s sexual orientation,” according to the ruling.
Catholics need to respond to this decision and the future decisions that are sure to follow.  One tactic would be to make wedding photographers an official ministry within the Catholic Church.  We should also consider doing the same for bakers that make wedding cakes, dress makers, tuxedo rental companies, etc.  If we could argue that these professionals are officially sanctioned ministers within our Church, similar to EMEs and lectors, we may have a stronger argument to protect them against the homosexual fascists bent on making all of us participate in their campaign of immorality.

Make no doubt about it - even though the state is not torturing or killing Christians (yet), this is persecution.  In the words of G.K. Chesterton:
Religious persecution does not consist in thumbscrews or fires of Smithfield; the essence of religious persecution is this: that the man who happens to have material power in the State, either by wealth or by official position, should govern his fellow-citizens not according to their religion or philosophy, but according to his own.

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