Saturday, February 25, 2012

President Obama Owes Us An Apology!

Great post from Fr. Z:

Pres. Obama owes you and me an apology!

Mr. President, you owe me and millions of American Catholics an apology.

You apologized to Islamic extremists and other Muslims abroad and in the United States for something done against the Islamic faith by mistake.

What you are doing to the consciences of Catholics and indeed all American, contrary to the 1st Amendment, you persist in doing on purpose.

As President you have offended me. You have offended millions of Catholic and all American citizens who enjoy religious liberty under the 1st Amendment and who, as human beings, do not deserve to be so demeaned.

Read the rest here. For someone that sure likes to apologize to everyone who is an enemy (or at least not a friend) of the United States (of course not for anything HE has done, but for actions of the previous administration and everyone in our country who doesn't agree with him), he has a hard time admitting he is wrong and apologizing to the faithful Americans he has wronged . . . .

Also check out Now, Apologize for Forcing Us to Violate Our Religion. Here's a brief excerpt:
In order for the Koran incident to be as serious as what you have done to Catholics, you would have to force Muslims to pay for the burning of Korans. You would never do so. It is unthinkable. It should also be unthinkable for you to force Catholics to violate our consciences.