Saturday, October 10, 2009


Ever since my second or third time trying to run after the half-marathon, my calf has been bothering me again. I'm glad that it waited until after the race, but it is still disappointing. I tried running on Wednesday, but I had to stop after about 2/3 of a mile because of my calf (I ran at about a 9 minute mile pace).

I ran 2 miles yesterday at about a 10 minute mile pace, being careful not to stress my calf (which means I went pretty slow and didn't push off much on my steps). It was slow and not very long, but it was better than nothing.

I hope to be able to build back up to being able to run around 6 miles before the winter weather sets in. After that, I will probably limit myself to about 3 miles, as I will be running on an indoor track that is 9 laps per mile (any more than 3 miles on that would be too much to ask).